Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my purchase pending?

Occasionally when trying to purchase Nutaku Gold or Paid Games, your transaction may not be completed right away due to many factors that are outside of our control, such as the payment method used or current problems with your financial institution/account.
In these cases your purchase will be put on the “Pending Purchase” state, indicating that it requires more time in order for it to be processed (often a few hours or days). You will receive an email whenever one of your purchases is pending, as well as an email once the purchase is processed indicating if it was successful or if it failed.
You will only receive your purchased item (game or Nutaku Gold) once your purchase is successful. Please note that pending purchases currently can’t be canceled, and are only available for the purchase of Nutaku Gold Packages in the Gold Store and Paid Games.
If you believe that your purchase is pending for too long, we recommend that you first reach out to your financial institution for clarifications. If they are unable to provide you assistance or clarifications, feel free to contact our customer support.